Code of Conduct
Please respect the reserve which is home to a large number of species. You will be rewarded with better views of the wildlife if you keep noise and disturbance to a minimum.
The Duty Manager may be out on the reserve carrying out essential maintenance but can be contacted on 07754 270980
Our year-round reserve opening times are:
Weekdays 9am-5pm
Weekends and Bank Holidays 10am-4pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day
Field Centre opening times are:
Weekdays 9am - 5pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm
Closed Saturdays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day
Please stay on the marked paths and be aware there are many species growing and breeding in the adjacent grasses, water and woodland.
We welcome dogs, but they too have to abide by the rules. Please consider the wildlife and other visitors by keeping them on leads, on the paths, out of the ponds, and by cleaning up behind them and removing arisings and litter off site at all times.
On bird ringing days there are mist nets in place around the reserve. This is a carefully controlled activity so please keep away from the nets and ensure that dogs are kept on leads. The nets are very expensive and both birds and nets are easily damaged.
We very much hope you enjoy your visit to Foxglove. Please leave the reserve and facilities as you would wish to find them and help the staff to maintain the site in good order.
The Management Group and Staff reserve the right to ask visitors who do not respect these few simple rules to leave.
Your co-operation is appreciated.
Foxglove Management Group