Bonfire Cookery

Sunday, October 28th 2012

Adam, Sue and Elizabeth prepared the food.  Everything excepting the kitchen sink, was packed into bags and carried to the woodland.  Brian and Elizabeth set off with everyone to take the long route to the bonfire. 

Crossing the first bridge Otter spraint was spotted on a stone.  We have been looking for a new stone that the Otter would use as the regular one was washed away in the floods.

Looking at the Otter spraint

Many fungi were observed and the 'fairy ring' of Clouded Funnel was paced out at 36 strides - we will see how big it is next year.

When we reached the bonfire the potatoes were already cooking but the chidren added apples, sultanas, and bananas with chocolate to the fire - the fruit was wrapped in tin foil!  Adam demonstrated how to fix the twister dough to the willow branches.  Soon everyone was busy cooking!

Cooking twister dough

When the dough is cooked it easily comes off the willow.  Sandra was on hand to add the honey to the twister dough.  By now the bananas were ready and the apples were not far behind.

apples and bananas coming out of the fire

Sue cooked the Bannocks to perfection!!  These must not be cut with a knife, only pulled apart.

Bannocks cooking

After all this food, it was decided that the baked potatoes were ready! A back to front meal!

Before we left the bonfire a group photograph was taken to the call of 'Baked Potato'.

A group photograph

A unanimous decision was made by the children to return to the Field Centre via the tank track.

Coming down the tank track

Everyone enjoyed the cooked food and there were many thanks to the chefs.  There were also requests for a repeat performance next year.

(1) Comments:

Tim Randall responded on 28th Oct 2012 with...

It looks like everyone had great fun. Congratulations to all those involved.

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Monday 4th November 2024 |

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Sunday 2nd February 2025 | 10am - 3pm

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