Dawn Chorus and Volunteering

Monday, May 8th 2023

The forecast did not look promising but nine people arrived at 0530 to listen to the Dawn Chorus on the reserve.  Although bird song was the aim of the walk it was not always easy to stop looking for other species and at long last an Early Purple Orchid, the first of our four species to flower, was spotted.

Back to concentrating on bird song, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff were heard, along with Blackcap and Garden Warbler.  Blue Tit, Great Tit and Coal Tit, along with Song Thrush and Robin sang.  Also the Reed Bunting was singing in the Reed Bed.  Sometimes these birds can be seen at the feeders in the back garden.

The Shelduck on Spigot Mere were attempting to impersonate Snipe - and doing quite a good job of it.  As usual a long distance shot!

Few nature reserves are able to include Lapwing in a Dawn Chorus walk, but our Pee-wits called on cue.

The bird ringers have been out on the training area ringing Lapwing chicks.  

On returning to the Field Centre for a well earned cup of tea the rain began to fall - good timing.

The reserve is home to a large variety of birds and many other species, from tiny flies to the larger Roe Deer; Dandelions to massive Oak trees. There are 12 habitats and all the fringe areas associated with them and to keep them all in pristine condition requires a lot of hard work.  This work is carried out by the reserve managers and many volunteers, some giving up two or three days a week, some a few hours.  Any time given is much appreciated.  Volunteers who keep an eye on the species are busy too, identifying flowers, fungi, moths, butterflies, mammals, bugs, beasties and birds.  Other volunteers help with bird ringing, school visits, and events.  There is always plenty to do.  If you would like to lend a hand then contact the reserve managers or pop in to talk to them and other volunteers.  Volunteer days are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  You will be made most welcome.

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Foxglove Covert Local Nature Reserve is now OPEN

Monday 4th November 2024 |

The security gate and it's safety features are to be working, so we're reopening to the public.

Please check the FAQs for further information on entrance procedures.


March Winter Worky Day

Sunday 2nd March 2025 | 10am - 3pm

Join Foxglove Covert staff and volunteers for the final worky day of this winter season on Sunday 2nd March.

Help out with winter habitat management tasks on the reserve. Tasks may vary but can include coppicing and pollarding willow carr, creating dead hedges, ring barking and clearing scrub.

Please bring along a packed lunch, come ready for all weather conditions, and bring your oldest outdoor clothes as tasks will be mucky.

Booking is essential for this FREE event.

Please note bookings close midday on February 28th.

Foxglove Covert is now taking bookings for events via Eventbrite.

Click Here to Book

Or visit foxglovecovertlnr.eventbrite.com


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