Fungi Lichen & Slime Mould

Adding individual species is a work in progress. Go here for the full list of species in PDF format to download

Pale Stagshorn - Calocera pallidospathulata

St George's Mushroom - Calocybe gambosa

Firedot Lichen - Caloplaca holocarpa

Common Goldspeck Lichen or Yolk of Egg Lichen - Candelariella vitellina

Chanterelle - Cantharellus cibarius

Catillaria chalybeia

Rusty Calicium - Chaenotheca ferruginea

The thallus is blue-grey with orange-grey patches and the apothecia are dark brown or black. You will have to look closely to see the apothecia here. At Foxglove Covert this grows on a tree trunk near Risedale Beck.

Cheilymenia fimicola

Shaggy Parasol - Chlorophyllum rhacodes

This used to be Macrolepiota rhacodes. It is often found in FC with conifers as here and fruits from summer to late autumn. The cap often has a very shaggy appearance.

Silverleaf Fungus - Chondostereum purpureum

Pixie Cup Lichen or Mealy Pixie Cup Lichen - Cladonia chlorophaea

A lichen found on soil, rotting stumps and mossy banks.

Common Powder Horn - Cladonia coniocraea

This lichen was found on a tree trunk near Risedale Beck. The podetia have very small, narrow cups or may just be pointed. The podetia often curves when growing on a tree trunk.

Fringed Cup Lichen - Cladonia fimbriata

It is quite usual to see minute brown pycnidia on the cup margins, but more unusual to see the brown fruiting bodies shown here. This was found on a fallen tree on the moor. The podetia or cups of C. fimbriata can be tiny: often only 1cm high.

Many-forked Lichen - Cladonia furcata

Cladonia humilis

Dragon Cladonia - Cladonia ramulosa

This was found growing on a well-rotted stump near Risedale Beck. A year later the stump had totally disintegrated.

White Spindles - Clavaria fragilis

Rose Spindles - Clavaria rosea

Found at the Bullet Catcher near to the mink raft.

Grey Coral - Clavulina cinerea

Wrinkled Club - Clavulina rugosa

This club is often grooved and twisted and is an off-white colour. It grows on soil and mosses, often in deciduous woodland but in FC it seems to prefer the conifers.

Meadow Coral - Clavulinopsis corniculata

Golden Spindles - Clavulinopsis fusiformis

Yellow Club - Clavulinopsis helvola

Fragrant Funnel - Clitocybe fragrans

Clouded Funnel - Clitocybe nebularis

The large caps can be up to 20cm across and have a cloudy grey or brown colour. They usually grow in groups and sometimes form rings.

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