
Adding individual species is a work in progress. Go here for the full list of species in PDF format to download

Lecidella scabra

Lecidella stigmatea

Lepraria incana

Lepraria vouauxii

Melanelixia subaurifera

This foliose lichen can often reach up to 15cm across. In Foxglove Covert it is mainly found on smooth – barked trees.

Micarea botryoides

Micarea denigrata

Micarea prasina

Powdery Saucer Lichen - Ochrolechia androgyna

Grey Crottle - Parmelia saxatilis

This lichen can grow on stone walls, rocks and trees. In the past this species was used to produce reddish-brown dye. Notice the little projections, known as isidia at the centre of the thallus.

Powdered Crottle - Parmelia sulcata

The lobes of this lichen often have a fine white network on them, known as pseudocyphellae. It is very common on both trees and rocks.

Parmeliopsis ambigua

Pearly Lichen or Sea-storm Lichen - Parmotrema perlatum

This lichen is often pearl grey or pale green and orbicular, with smooth lobes, edged with black hairs, known as cilia.

Dog Lichen - Peltigera canina

Membranous Dog-lichen - Peltigera membranacea

Peltigera polydactylon

Only third record of this species in Yorkshire.

Field Dog Lichen - Peltigera rufescens

Bitter Wart Lichen - Pertusaria amara

This crustose lichen is grey/white. It has a bitter taste reminiscent of aspirin. In the past it was tried as a substitute for quinine.

Mealy Shadow Lichen - Phaeophyscia orbicularis

Phlyctis argena

Hooded Rosette Lichen - Physcia adscendens

This lichen has colonised a conifer cone. Notice that some of the lobe ends on the right of the cone have become hood-shaped and inflated.

Blue-grey Lichen or Grey-warted Lichen - Physcia caesia

Placynthiella icmalea

We found this lichen on top of a fence post, by a bridge in the conifer plantation: a common habitat for this lichen.

Pimple Lichen - Porina aenea

Porpidia macrocarpa

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