Adding individual species is a work in progress. Go here for the full list of species in PDF format to download
Wood Mouse - Apodemus sylvaticus
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus
This male Roe Deer, in velvet , was seen at the stone pile He was feeding on the Hawthorn tree.
Their favourite places are around the far side of the lake and the woodland.
Hedgehog - Erinaceus europaeus
Hare - Lepus europaeus
This photo was taken by John, as he watched a pair of Hares feeding on the middle moor. Thi swas also the photo that we used as the front cover of the 2018 calendar.
Otter - Lutra lutra
An Otter and her youngster have been seen below the weir at the lake.
Badger - Meles meles
Field Vole - Microtus agrestis
Stoat - Mustela erminea
Weasel - Mustela nivalis
Bank Vole - Myodes glareolus
Whiskered Bat - Myotis mystacinus
Natterers Bat - Myotis nattereri
Water Shrew - Neomys fodiens
Noctule Bat - Nyctalus noctula
Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus
They do a very good job of digging little holes along the paths!!!!
Pipistrelle Bat - Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Soprano Pipistrelle - Pipistrellus pygmaeus
This bat was identified using a Bat Detector and so separating this species from the Common Pipistrelle.
Brown Rat - Rattus norvegius
Grey Squirrel - Sciurus carolinensis
Common Shrew - Sorex areneus
Pygmy Shrew - Sorex minutus
Mole - Talpa europaea
Rarely seen but their activites are very clear, especially across the moor. A quick glimp was all I mamged to get of this Mole!