
Adding individual species is a work in progress. Go here for the full list of species in PDF format to download

Acalitus brevitarsus

Acalitus rudis

Aceria macrorhyncha

Aceria nalpai

Found on Alder near the top of the far moor path

Aceria pseudoplatani

Aculus laevis

Eriophyes inangulis

Eriophyes laevis

Eriophyes prunispinosae

Eriophyes similis

Eriophyes sorbi

Velvet Mite - Eutrombidium rostratus

Tick - Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinus

Found on Megan, Rona, Strider and Tolly - the dogs!

Recently the ticks have had ticks!

Phyllocoptes goniothorax

Phytoptus avellanae