
Adding individual species is a work in progress. Go here for the full list of species in PDF format to download

Orthodontium lineare

Orthotrichum affine

Orthotrichum cupulatum

White-tipped Bristle-moss - Orthotrichum diaphanum

This moss was found in the willow carr

Lyell's Bristle-moss - Orthotrichum lyellii

This moss was found in the willow carr.

Elegant Bristle-moss - Orthotrichum pulchellum

This moss was found in the willow carr.

Orthotrichum pumilum

This moss was found in the willow carr.

Straw Bristle-moss - Orthotrichum stramineum

Palustriella commutata var commutata

Fountain Apple-moss - Philonotis fontana

This was found on wet peaty ground.

Tall Thyme-moss - Plagiomniaceae elatum

This moss was found in the willow carr.

Plagiomnium rostratum

Plagiomnium undulatum

Plagiothecium denticulatum

Waved Silk-moss - Plagiothecium undulatum

Taper-leaved Earth-moss - Pleuridium acuminatum

Pleurozium schreberi

Common Haircap - Polytrichum commune

This moss was found on wet peaty ground.

Polytrichum formosum

Juniper Haircap - Polytrichum juniperinum

Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans

Rhizomnium punctatum

Rhynchostegium confertum

Rhynchostegium riparioides

Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus

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